• Acupuncture in the Treatment of Anxiety

    Acupuncture in the Treatment of Anxiety

    In offerta! Il prezzo originale era: 65,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 61,75 €.

    Acupuncture in the Treatment of Anxiety
    From Traditional Chinese Medicine to neuroscience: synergy between health care systems

    by Giuseppe Fatiga – 2021

    This book is a scientifically rigorous disquisition into all the theoretical and practical aspects of treating anxiety disorders with acupuncture, following the guidelines of evidence-based medicine. Moving backwards and forwards between East and West, in a true play of mirrors, neuroscience and Traditional Chinese Medicine reflect and study each other. The result may seen surprising. New and old retain all their fascination but each brings something new to the other. If we place all the small pieces in the right order, what slowly emerges is a splendid mosaic, an overarching view that cannot be swayed under this or that discovery, and will always have the true ring of authenticity. It is the Whole that contains the Particular.

    Peso: 0.75 kg
    Dimensioni: 19 × 25 cm (18.5 x 24.5 cm)
    Edizione: Prima
    Volume: Unico
    Copertina: Cartonato
    Pagine: 208
    Tipologia: Professionisti
    Lingua: Inglese
    Codice ISBN: 9788832128925

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  • Errori in Neuroradiologia

    In offerta! Il prezzo originale era: 50,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 45,00 €.

    Autore. E. D’Ercoli, M. Giannoni, D. Salera, G. Polonara
    Titolo: Errori in Neuroradiologia
    Casa editrice Poletto
    Pagine 208, Rilegatura Flessibile
    Edizione 1.a, 2016
    Codice ISBN: 9788895033648

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