A Festschrift in honour of Prof. John C. Marshall


Edizione: novembre 2006
Pagine: 970
Volume Cartonato
ISBN 88-214-2960-1
Editore: Masson Elsevier


COD: ms2960 Categoria:


This special issue of Cortex celebrates the work and influence of John c. Marshall, one of a number of experimental psychologists whose research helped pioneer the influential discipline of psycholinguistics and cogllitive neuropsychology and later shape the theoreticallandscape of cognitive neuropsychiatry and cognitive neuroscience. Although best known for the groundbreaking studies on reading disorders in the 1970’s, he is unusual among his peers in having also developed an impressive and productive research profIle in several different neuropsychological disorders ranging from spoken language comprehension, developmental disorders, visuospatial neglect, global and local attention processes, cogllitive neuropsychiatry – and alI from a cogllitive-neuropsychological perspective. Reflecting (but not exhausting) his breadth of published interests, the 22 contributions in this book reflect the impact and range of John Marshall’s work in shaping and influencing the thoughts of many scholars who are now internationalleaders in their own field. The papers (originally presented at the Festschrift Meeting at Somerville College, Oxford in September 2004) range from semantic interference and facilitation to empirical studies of neurological patients with aphasic or attentional deficits, from sex differences in the neural mechanisrns underlying implicit symmetry processing to studies of the cogllitive genetics underlying higher attentional processes, and from delusions to the neural basis of consciousness. Over the past 40 years, John Marshall’s published work has made a real and enduring contribution to cognitive neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience and the contributions to this book celebrate one of the best and most innovative thinkers within cognitive neuroscience.


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