Soft Tissue Plastic Surgery


Martina Editore
Pag. 350 – 908 illustrazioni a colori


COD: ma001 Categoria: Tag:


PREFACE 2ND EDITION It is quite unusual to publish the second edition of a book so soon after having released the first, especially considering the enthusiastic response which the first received. Nonetheless. In this short span of time some significant changes have been brought to the field concerning certain surgical techniques discussed: moreover, we have felt it opportune to give voice to some of the numerous comments and suggestions which have come to us in the meantime. This atlas has thus been modified, although we have maintained its original practical and easy-to-use format: many new Cases have been added in order to better describe the surgical techniques presented; other cases, which we considered to be Iacking in clarity, have been removed. Numerous chapters have been added while almost all have been substantially modified; in particular, descriptions regarding anatomy and histology have been expanded upon with significant added attention being given to the subject of pathogenesis. We believe that, with the present changes, this book can more ably satisfy the practical needs of colleagues and be a useful instrument in the next years to come. We hope to have succeeded. Massimo De Sanctis Giovanni Zucchelli


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