DESTINATARI: CHIRURGHI VASCOLARI E RADIOLOGI INTERVENTISTI 1994-2004 has seen a decade of innovations tbat have deeply changed our medicaI practice in vascular surgery. In 2004, two large randomized trials, the EVAR I and Dream mais, were puhlished in the leading peer reviewed journols. The results of botb studies demonstratc without any doubt that carly mortality is divided threefold in patients who received a stent graft as compared to tbose treated witb the . open technique. Wc also await tbe results of two more: trials, one: from France and tbe: otbe:r from tbe USA to. confirm or temperate tbese conclusions. In a few months tbe long term efficacy of tbe endovascular technique will he known. Innovations ftequently shake tbe established principlcs and clinical cvaluations although eostly to set up are mandatory to support and change clinical praetice. Finns, physieians, health care providcrs and research institutes have to work together in a fair partncrship. This year, tbe congress Controversies and Updates in Vascular Surgery focussed on innovations, evoluations and exchanges between experts, firms and ali the physicians involved in the field of vascular disease. This book summarizes tbe event.
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