Preface This book is about choices – alternatives to conventional posterior amalgam restorations. The evolution of dental materials has provided dentistry with a variety of solutions to the problem of carious or discolored posterior teeth. For centuries now, dental amalgam has been the generai standard by which dentists and materials have been measured. In recent years the practice of routinely restoring teeth with amalgam has again been questioned, but, regardless of any controversy about the possible effects of mereury, today we can offer our patients choices to consider when we resto re their posterior teeth. This book therefore provides possible solutions for the millions of people who would like an answer to the question, “Are there any alternatives?” The concept of using porcelain as an intra coronai restoration is not really new, but in the past such restorations weré not particularly suecessful, predominantly because of the lack of an effective cementation medium. The ability to etch porcelain with hydrofluoric acid (as is used for porcelain laminate veneers), coupled with the dual-bonding effect of composite resin ;to enamel and dentin, has made this intracoronal restoration and the heat-cured indirect composite resin restoration definitive options, espeeially compared to the compromises faced with amalgam, gold, direct composite resin restorations, and full-eoverage restorations. This text is a procedural atlas on the state of the art of this exciting new technique. It also offers a look at the future trends involving CADI CAM and other computer modalities.
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